Virtual Web Smartphone Operating Systems prevent the device from sharing a VPN connection through a Hotspot. Virtual Web allows multiple devices to leverage your VPN through Virtual 5G. With Virtual Web and Virtual 5G, multiple devices connect to your Phone or Tablet through Mobile Hotspot, Wi-Fi, USB, etc. and share not only the Virtual 5G VPN, they share the 5G Mobile Broadband connection Virtual 5G provides. With Virtual Web there is:No need to install anything on your other devicesNo rooting of devicesNo need to install a VPN App on every deviceNo limits from a VPN to which you have subscribed that limits the number of devices you can use it onNo performance loss, important as VPNs typically lower bandwidth by as much as 80% With Virtual Web:Connect Apple devices; iPhones and iPadsConnect other Android devices, Phones and TabletsConnect Google Pixel devicesConnect Smart TVs and more You can view streaming services on other devices while at home, at work or while Mobile and still have 5G Mobile Broadband service for the Smartphone that has Virtual 5G